
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Getting ahead of consumer buying behavior.

Consumer Trends: why bother?

Identifying what buyers want today and tomorrow is powerful!          
photo credit: snivdesign
As a farm / food retailer we may occasionally wonder what drives not only our current customers, but also those elusive potential customers. One source of insight is “consumer trends.” While these trends may not exactly match the demographics we chase with our retail products; they can be quite helpful in understanding what is happening and what might happen next in the retail shopping environment. You never know – you may actually get ahead of a trend, and end up being the next big thing?

When I consider some research into consumer buying behaviors I check with a hand full of widely recognized experts. Many of these experts are willing to share quite a bit of research and guidance at no-cost.

Listed in no particular order are possible sources:

And don’t forget to participate with your local Extension Education system when exploring consumer trends. For example; at the widely acclaimed Mid Atlantic Fruit & Vegetable Conference  at Hershey   Penn State Extension Educator Heather Mikulas will be sharing her research on Food Trends the morning of Tuesday, January 27th .

One axiom of retail I stick by is that our customers are telling us what to do. Our challenge is to listen to them. Consider spending some time and effort understanding purchasing expectations of your customers – you will likely be well rewarded.